Lust Party Bundle (Unprotected Delights) Page 10
Lionel's cock felt amazing inside of her body. She'd never been so thoroughly pleased with a cock inside of her—not even at any of the Lust Parties when she rode the high of the elixir. She'd needed Lionel's cock in her cunt for so very long, and now she had it. It was hard, thick, long, and beautifully filling as she squeezed her folds up and down, up and down.
Each gyration up made her press her face into Colette's cunt even harder, and the beautiful platinum blonde cried out with open orgasm into the office. Everyone in the building could probably hear her. Her tits, so huge and delectable, pressed hard against the blinds.
“Christ,” Lionel said, pumping his hips reflexively. “Christ, good god, goddamn. You girls are” he huffed strongly, clearly approaching his orgasm, “so fucking hot.”
“I know,” purred Morgan. “Cum in me, baby? Cum in my cunny, please? I need it...I need you sooo bad...”
He needed it too. Lionel's grip clamped down on her hips, keeping her luscious body tight against his. She abandoned all efforts to lick Colette's hot clit—the gorgeous blond quickly adapted, sinking down behind Lionel and sandwiching herself between him and the couch. She brought the blinds with her, still fingering her orgasming cunt.
With the blinds down, everyone could see Lionel—and Lionel alone—fucking the glorious Morgan. She moaned as orgasm after orgasm shuddered through her, anticipating his. Her body, a good girl's body, knowing that cumming was the best way to tighten her pussy which in turn was the best way to please a cock inside of her.
She felt him spurt up inside of her body, her entire being shivering with delight at the feeling. His cum, thick and warm, filled her needy fertile cunt like no one else's. Morgan shuddered, holding him close against her tits, her body lighting up as his tongue went wild on her exposed nipples.
After a moment, Colette slid out from her trapped space on the couch and began licking up Lionel’s excess cum where it gathered at the joining point of his and Morgan’s pelvises.
“So, darling,” Morgan said, wrapping her hands around Lionel’s neck. She tossed her hair back and smiled sexily. “Shall we go again?”
Behind them, the entire office was watching. Several were touching themselves. Between herself and Colette, they probably all had new objects of erotic fascination
Lionel didn't seem to care. He was hard in mere moments.
* * * * *
The Derring Center was located in the middle of downtown, a five-story affair with a great number of glass windows and heavy steel beams supporting its weight all over the frame.
Inside there was a large Christmas tree, stretching twenty feet up with a scantily-clad angel scraping the ceiling.
Before arriving with Lionel in tow, Morgan had stopped at home so that she and Colette could change.
Now she wore a tight red leather dress and sexy tight black boots. Her long red leather gloves had been traded out for shiny, vinyl black gloves—even tighter and hotter than the ones before. They were as shiny as her tip-top-tall boots. A little Santa hat perched on her temple, held there effortlessly with heavy strands of hair.
Colette had put on a tight pink lycra miniskirt with white fluff around the hemlines. Her top was essentially a bra with only slightly more fabric, the same sort of white-fluffed lycra with a deep scoop into her substantial cleavage.
Together, the duo looked like sexy Santa’s Helpers. Lionel had one girl on each arm, looking rather overwhelmed. Being told it was a simple holiday party, he had worn a gauche red sweater—the kind with happy snowmen on it—and his standard khakis. Morgan didn't care. All she cared about, really, was getting his cock again...and again...and again...
And the best way she knew to slake her endless thirst, she knew, was to ensure that Lionel had plenty of elixir in his life.
There were great bowls of punch, all of them already heavily darkened with the violet elixir of Braddock. Other party-goers were melding close together, their dances becoming slowly more erotic. The trio had arrived just after the unveiling of the elixir, apparently, which meant that the orgy would start soon.
Braddock and his smashingly gorgeous wife Eleanor were near one punch bowl, watching as the concubine Yolena emptied out more and more of the cups for their guests. Sometimes she poured it in her tits, her cleavage, forcing some of the more attractive guests to drink it that way.
None refused, of course.
Upon seeing Braddock, Morgan immediately melted. All that cool, sultry exterior she had faded away until she was giggly and coquettish, eager to do whatever this older man said.
“You’re looking very fine, Morgan,” said Braddock. “At last.”
She giggled. “Thank you, Sir.”
“And you...Barbara, was it?”
Colette giggled too. “Colette, Sir.”
“Of course. How could I forget the name of such a delicious beauty?”
Again, Colette giggled. Every time she did, her magnificent breasts threatened to spill out of her top entirely. If they did, it wouldn’t be out of form. Behind them, a woman tore off her top as she kissed a man’s wife, much to the man’s delight. Both women had hands crawling into his pants, reaching for his stiffening cock.
Braddock pulled out a dark purple vial—darker than usual.
“I have a very special concoction for your man here,” said Braddock. “I think you’ll find he rather likes the results.”
“But...” Morgan licked her lips, looking at the vial. So many possibilities. “I thought we shouldn’t take it all at once?”
Braddock shrugged. “You did. Colette did. He can. It’s more of a matter of style, not effectiveness, to do it the other way. I like spiking things. It excites me.”
Whatever excited Braddock was fine by Morgan. “Wonderful, Sir.”
“When he takes it, he’s going to change. He’s going to dominate you. Utterly. You’ll be his plaything from now on.”
That seemed...wrong? Different? Wasn't Morgan the one in control? Wasn't that what she wanted?
“That is the natural way of things, Morgan.” Braddock patted her on the head like he would a child. “Haven’t you figured that out yet? You’re subservient to me, aren’t you? You’re my pet. You’ve done everything I’ve wanted this entire time.”
She nodded, hopeful. Pets were rewarded sometimes. “But I...I also, I mean. I chose him. To fuck. I’ll fuck him. I want him. That’s my decision.”
“Perhaps. But it really oughtn’t be up to a woman who she sleeps with,” Braddock tsked. “Men are supposed to be in charge. That’s what this world is all about. Eleanor used to be quite the uppity young woman. Barking orders this way and that. Lawyers, you know. Now, she understands her place. Sucking me. Serving me. Doing my bidding, even if sometimes she gets in the way.”
“But she said...” Morgan gulped. “She said she was happy. You said that...that we had a choice of who we became...”
“She is happy,” said Braddock. “Happy being a happy little fuckpuppet for me for the next few hundreds or even thousands of years until I get tired of her. And she has a choice. Sometimes she dresses like a maid or a secretary to turn me on.”
A great conflict of thoughts rose in Morgan. Had she been lied to this whole time? But even if she had, fuck she felt so good...did it even matter?
Thoughts were so hard when Braddock kept telling her not to worry.
“But I...I want...I wanted to be a reporter still. To get the stories. To use this power I have for good.”
“There’s no greater good than serving a strong man, my dear, and that vial will make your love struck beau there as strong as any man. Probably stronger. Now, be a good girl, and tell him to drink it.”
Be a good girl. Right. Do what Braddock says. That was important.
Morgan handed the vial to Lionel, gently removing his mouth from one of her tits. “Drink this, darling.”
Naturally, he did as he was told. The man was utterly mesmeri
zed with Morgan, and if she had stayed away from this party, he would have essentially been her slave for ever.
The second Lionel finished the vial, he collapsed in a heap. Colette caught him, holding him effortlessly. Her youth and beauty gave her many exciting gifts, one of which was an easy strength.
“You’re excited about this new development, Morgan,” said Braddock. “You want to be dominated.”
She...she didn’t know that she was, but she was all of a sudden. Braddock was such a man, and when men like him said things, they had to be paid attention to. That was like, the cardinal rule of womanhood.
His wife was stroking his cock—his hard cock, getting him off. Braddock's face was red. Probably Eleanor's stroking encouraged him to say and do all sorts of things he wouldn't otherwise.
“You’ll fuck others for him, maybe, or seduce for him,” said Braddock. “You’ll be his happy little seductress out in the world. Elegant and perfect, just the sort of trophy a man deserves. But when you’re at home, you’ll be nothing but his submissive, darling little housewife fuckdoll, and you’ll do everything he says with a smile on your face. Won’t you, doll?”
Morgan knew she would.
* * * * *
She and Colette made out on a couch near the dozing Lionel for about an hour before he woke up. Colette suggested, several times, that they make each other cum, but Morgan knew that something like that would be against what Braddock wanted.
Braddock wanted her cums and Colette’s cums to wait until Lionel woke so that all their pleasure could be focused on him. The Man.
The Man was who was important now, and Colette and Morgan both belonged to him, whether they knew it or not. Whether they wanted it or not. A girl's consent was never important. Only a Man's will.
At around the forty-five minute mark, Morgan started to notice the changes in his body. They had stripped him while he waited—it was just easier that way, and all those torn clothes got in the way sometimes, as Morgan had found out. So it was easy to watch him change.
He hadn’t been in bad shape before. A man in his early forties, he worked out regularly as a power lifter and watched what he ate, but still indulged from time to time in alcohol and sweets, giving him just a bit of a gut—but not the kind that was hard to look at. His body was mature, which was part of what attracted Morgan to him in the first place.
As she watched, his body began to brim with muscle from head to toe. Thick pectorals developed, lodging themselves against dense deltoids and amazing abdominals. Quad muscles became huge and defined. His entire body looked like it was cut from raw marble, and he looked close to three hundred pounds of solid muscle. Morgan, watching this transformation, just drooled.
Lionel began to stir, and Morgan felt her heart singing with need and desire. He would see her soon...he would see her, and then he would fuck her.
Slowly, Lionel stood up entirely.
He was massive now. Huge. Her body sang with desire. She wanted every part of him—and she especially wanted his cock. It was massive and thick, as big around as a coffee cup at the base, and it wasn't even hard yet. Precum dripped from it—this new form of Lionel was in a constant state of primal arousal.
Morgan melted. All her succubine exterior was long forgotten—the sexual dynamo that had been created by the elixir still existed, but she was a dynamo of service, not of will. Before, she had thought that she could enforce her will on anyone, that she could make herself the sex queen of the whole city.
What a silly thought that was now. What a stupid little girl’s idea that had become. She was supposed to belong to this man. She was designed to be his trophy. That’s all that really mattered to a woman like her. Anything else was secondary.
Lionel noticed her, finally, and she melted, dropping to her knees. He seemed to be able to read her mind. His cock pressed against her cheek, soft spurts of his precum dripping down her neck and chest.
“You didn’t really want to be in charge of me, did you, little girl?”
Morgan trembled with inequitable desire. This hunk, this stud, this God was speaking to her. Her! Of all the women in the world that he could be talking to—he had chosen her! Her delight was that of a hormone-fueled schoolgirl toying with the pleated edge of her skirt while the biggest football stud in town singled her out for a date to the prom. Her excitement was youthful and unstoppable. Her excitement was orgasmic.
“N-no, Sir,” she shook her head. Her voice was low, breathy, a blissful whisper. “Of course not, Sir.”
Colette wasn't being spoken to, so she simply shook her head quietly, right next to Morgan. Her eyes were transfixed on Lionel's cock, the biggest she had ever seen.
Not so long ago, Colette was a lesbian, and now she was a complete cockslave to Lionel without even having tasted or touched his cock. This was the power of the elixir. This was the way life was supposed to be for beautiful good girls in the presence of their men.
He gripped her by the throat, then, holding her steady and even lifting her off the floor, her knees suspended just above the ground. Morgan felt her control over her orgasms, over her body disappear. A blinding hot ball of scorching pleasure began to spin in that magic center just above and behind her cunt, a fireball inferno of bliss slowly unwinding and spreading through her limbs. He lifted her up by the throat, her tall and busty goddess-like body so small in his grip.
“Master,” he said, correcting her. “You’ll call me Master. Or Daddy. You know I’m your Daddy, don’t you, little girl?”
Morgan nodded, eyes big. She knew anything at all that he told her; his word was the truth.
“Yes, DaddyMaster.”
“Good girl.”
She cried out, the swirling inferno of pleasure inside of her spiking as he named her his good girl. But her cry was that of pleasure, not pain, even though his grip on her throat clamped down in his excitement at seeing her pleasure. With ease, he pushed her back into Colette. The blonde operated as a mattress for Morgan, her huge tits so soft. His cock, enormous and hard, pressed against the flawless lines of her thigh, leaving long drops and trails of precum all along her body.
“Gonna fuck you now, good girl,” he grunted, sliding her booted legs up onto his chest. “Gonna fuck you right.”
“Please, Master,” she moaned. “Please, Daddy. Please fuck me, Daddy, please!”
He powered down onto her, thrusting inside of her cunt hard. His grip was around both her and Colette, and he was able to squeeze both of them effortlessly up into his body. Even so, he drove down with authority, filling Morgan entirely on the first thrust. Each subsequent thrust only filled her more. He backed up until almost his entire cock was out of her, and then powered all the way back in. There were no short, hard spurts—no, they were all long, and they were all furious.
He did not care about pacing himself. He did not care about taking his time. In front of him, around him, was the most fertile cunt he'd ever come across. Nothing would let him slow, nothing would allow him to do anything except fill her up as quickly as possible.
Everything about him was big, enormous, and his hardened cock was no exception. It became Morgan's whole world.
“Oh yes, Daddy!” she moaned. “Please Sir! Please fuck me harder! Oh god, oh my god, please! Please fill me up! Give me your fucking babies, oh my god! Get me pregnant, Master, please!”
“That's right, you slut. You fucking slut. You're my slut. My good girl. My slave. I'll fill you forever. You'll never be not pregnant again, never in your life.”
“Yes!” Morgan moaned, completely dominated by his strength. There was nothing she could do, nowhere to move. He had her totally trapped. She could feel Colette's trembling-hot cunt boiling over with orgasm behind her. Morgan's own orgasms were unceasing.
“Do it!” she begged him. “Oh god, oh fuck, do it please!”
With their voices joining together in a chorus of exultation, he emptied himself into Morgan’s waiting body. His cum was thicker than it had ever been before, denser. Th
ere was more of it than ever and yet she was able to take it all perfectly. Her belly felt swollen by the amount of hot white goo he dumped inside of her.
Pregnancy was almost assured. Morgan had never felt so complete in all her life. As her new Master exited her cunt, she stooped low to clean him and suck him down. He was totally delicious.
“F-fuck...” Colette moaned, watching, trembling, quivering, her entire body a mess of bliss.
Together, they turned and looked at Colette. Morgan’s fucking had been so thorough, so forceful, that Colette actually looked a little bit scared. Even so, her cunt was dripping wet—mostly what the beautiful blonde felt was arousal.
“Come here, sweetie,” said Morgan, eager for her fucksister to feel as pregnant as she did. “Come and join us.”
Colette gulped, crawling forward slowly.
“’s just...he’s so big...” said Colette, voice full of wonder. “Will you be gentle, sir?”
Lionel smiled, petting Morgan's head. “Not at all.”
* * * * *
Hours later, she woke, her body wrapped around Lionel’s. She could feel his seed still brimming inside her, no doubt making her as pregnant as she possibly could be. She hoped for twins. Triplets. More. That was what a woman should do. That was what lust was all about.
It was so simple. She’d spent all this time resisting, trying to figure things out, hoping to escape.
But resistance was so silly, impossible really, for a woman.
And the only thing she needed to figure out was the best way to please her man and spread as much lust around as possible.
And the only escape she needed, truly, was to take another long suck of her man’s cock while he dozed. She stirred now to do exactly that, noting that her body was just as gorgeous as it was the day before—and that for as long as she would be fucking Lionel, it always would be.
The Lust Party would never end for her. It was only just beginning.
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* * * * *
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