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Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories Page 11

  “I’m your slave.”

  That only made sense.

  “I obey only you.”

  Well, that’s what slaves did, wasn’t it?

  “I need only you.”

  Who on earth else would she need?

  “I want you to have lots of slaves.”

  Of course she did. He deserved that. He was such a hot guy.

  One command and repetition after another, David brainwashing her completely. He owned her body, he owned her soul, he owned her mind, and she wanted so fucking bad for him to own even more of her and even more sluts to serve him like he deserved. That was what kings like him deserved. He was her fucking Master. She adored him in every way. She would die for him, steal for him, kill for him. Anything he asked, she’d do it, and cum while she did, just from him giving her an order.

  He stroked her face, and she stared at her Master with complete happiness and worship.


  She obeyed, her body spasming as she stared up at him, her mouth struggling to form the proper words for her gratitude.

  “Thankkk youuuu Masterrrr,” she moaned out, so very happy to be obeying orders.

  On his face, there was nothing but naked, hot arousal. Precum dripped down from his big, lovely cock. She wanted to lick it up so bad, to make him feel as good as he made her fee;. She bit her lip as her post-orgasm thrills worked through her body, moaning at his obvious perfection. He was masculinity, personified.

  “Bend over, cunt.”

  She could sense some anger in her Master. That was so good! It was a perfect opportunity to show how she was made to calm him and love him how he deserved.

  Bending over as he commanded, she stared back up at him worshipfully, lifting her ass in the air.

  “I can’t wait for your love inside of me, Master.” Her voice so breathy and happy. “It will be so magnificent.”

  Strong hands gripped her bound wrists. Without warning, he slipped his bare cock right inside of her moist pussy. She was so tight down there, so gleefully hot, that she knew she was gripping his wonderful meat just how he wanted.

  “Fuck,” he moaned, sinking himself into her. “You’re so good.”

  That was so wonderful! He was filling her just how she needed, and she was so good!

  She moaned, “Oh yes!” as a hot, sweet orgasm rolled through her body. Her Master’s praise was so incredible and important to her. She knew instinctively that every time that he praised her, she should cum.

  “You should have been my girlfriend, slave,” he grunted.

  “I should have been your girlfriendslave!”

  That was so very true. Master deserved Amy as a girlfriendslave. He deserved any girl at all that he wanted. She came again, just from the thought.

  “You should have told me that you loved me from the moment you saw me.”

  “I should have told you that I loved you from the moment I saw you.”

  Oh god yes! If only!

  But then, would he be fucking her so hard, unleashing his hot, vicious thrusts that were filling her with so much fucking pleasure? Because that’s what he was doing now, fucking her like he was punishing her pussy with his cock, each and every stroke harder than the last. His cock was moving all the way out and then jamming inside of her in fluid, vicious motions. His hands on the rope on her wrists meant he could slide her forward and back in perfect rhythm with his harder and harder fucking. He was fucking the shit out of her, able to move faster and faster because of his complete control over her body. It felt phenomenal.

  “You’re my little fuckbitch!”

  “Your little fuckbitch! Yes I am!”

  Oh god, she totally was.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he grunted. “I’m gonna cum right in your fuckbitch pussy, and you’re gonna cum with me.”

  “Oh fuck, please Master! Please do that!”

  His orgasm shot through his body, and his load fired inside of her pussy, thick and powerful. Spurt after spurt of his sweet, hot cum sprayed inside of her, filling her more than she every new possible. Even if she wasn’t totally controlled by his will, his hands on her bound wrists would have kept her in place, jamming her back with every new squirt. She came with him, as ordered, every ounce of pleasure that emanated from her pussy feeling like it was doubled from the ropes around her wrists.

  Her Master was so very fucking good to her to treat her like such a hot ropeslut.

  After a few heavy breath-filled moments, he pushed her off his big cock. Amy moaned with the exit, wishing that he was hard and inside of her forever. He turned her around, slapping her face a little with his cum-stained semi-hard cock.

  “You’re not really good enough for me now, are you?” he asked with a smirk. “I mean, you’re cute. You’re really pretty. Basically a princess in this town, like I’m sure you know. But I deserve better than a princess for my girlfriend. I mean, I know you really, really want to marry me now.”

  She nodded, sliding her lips over his cock and cleaning it just right for him. God, marrying spending all her time with Master? That would just be something out of a fairy tale. She wondered how she would cook him all his meals when she was tied up in such sexy knots all the time. He shoved his cock into her mouth, stroking her hair. Her hands remained behind her back, resting on her ass. His cock bulged against her throat as she swallowed him eagerly. His cum was so thick and warm in her mouth, and in her pussy.

  “But, at the end of the day, you just don’t deserve someone holding as much power as I do, do you slut?”

  Amy sucked his cock happily, her eyes big and wide. She didn’t know how to answer. Instead she kept sucking, waiting patiently for his will to come down.

  “You don’t. You get to be...I don’t know. A good little maid, or something. A cheerleader as I fuck better women than you. You’ll like that, won’t you?”

  Amy nodded, moaning out a happy “Mmmmhmmm!”

  Amy really, really needed David to have someone better than her as a girlfriend.

  It just wasn’t fair to him to be stuck with just her his whole life. Of course, she was cute. She was really hot, actually.

  But she wasn’t jaw-droppingly gorgeous hot like her Master really deserved.

  And she knew just the girl to find for him.

  * * * * *

  Catalina rang Amy’s doorbell, sighing a bit.

  She had not even talked to Amy in over two weeks—all that Amy had said was something mysterious about having David Holt as her boyfriend. Catalina, at the time, thought she had simply misheard her. Certainly Amy wasn’t in straits so dire as to require a boyfriend like David.

  Catalina loved Amy dearly—they both understood that boys were simply a means to an end. What each of them wanted was power and wealth, and Amy was the only girl that Catalina felt comfortable with fantasizing about the kinds of men they could seduce to get whatever they wanted.

  Of course, Catalina wasn’t at all threatened by Amy’s obvious beauty—Catalina’s own beauty was much more dynamic. Amy was the ideal All-American blonde, but Catalina was a world class goddess, exotic and perfect in every respect. Be it her dark long hair, her sensational legs, her outstandingly firm, big breasts, or her completely divine face that needed hardly any make-up at all, with such lusciously arranged lips and elegant bone structure, Catalina had no trouble believing there were few women who had ever lived who could live up to the beauty she presented.

  She was born in Colombia, her father moving her to this town more than five years ago for business.

  Now she was twenty years-old. Between then and now, she had owned every social function, every school period, every room—hell, every minute that she had lived through. How could she not? Her perfection was too outstanding for anyone to think about anything else while they were in the room with her.

  Today would be no exception. Skintight black boots wrapped around her awe-inspiring legs, leading up to a tight blue dress that made love to her sensational curves. A tight, gaudy jeweled belt wrapp
ed around her tiny waist, sitting on her wide hips, and her lacy black bra was easy to see through the long v-neck of her dress, as were her stupendously bouncy breasts. Her hair was teased out to perfection—and she had worked so very little to get it that way, just spreading it out a bit when she got up in the morning. Maybe fifteen minutes of work, in all.

  It was completely unfair to other women, she knew. And she loved it, loved being so much fucking better than everyone she came across, and loved that no one, ever, would ever be able to change that.

  She rang the doorbell again, impatient now. Where was Amy? They had so much to talk about. Was David secretly great in the sack, or something?

  She doubted it, though anything was possible.

  Two years before, Catalina had publicly humiliated David in the high school hallway. She told her jock boyfriend, Dave, to punch him in the stomach and then pull down his pants in front of the entire cheerleading squad.

  “Look at that!” she squealed, as David was bent over and trying to retrieve his breath. “Look at David’s baby dick!”

  Red-faced, looking close to tears, he scampered on to a bathroom, trying to nab some privacy. The little coward didn’t even have the guts to tell on Dave. His dick wasn’t really that small or anywhere close—Catalina had just enjoyed humiliating him.

  That had killed any chances of getting laid in this town, ever. Or so Catalina thought.

  Now, she was engaged to Dave. Their wedding was in just two weeks. Amy was her maid of honor, which was just lovely.

  Or at least, it had been. Then Amy had moved in with this David chump into a new fancy apartment after less than three days of dating him.

  “We just need more space,” Amy told her. “David is an expert negotiator, so we got a great deal. And we’re going to need lots and lots of space.”

  Catalina was having second thoughts about letting Amy be her maid of honor if she was willing to bring down her social status to such a low level in town, dating David for goodness’s sake. Living with him! It was unthinkable.

  Finally, she heard thumps behind the door. It opened up to reveal...David.


  He was shirtless, wearing sweatpants. Had he gained some mass recently? She remembered him being incredibly scrawny, but now he was more...wiry. Ripped, really.

  “Hey, good lookin’,” he said with a smile. “You look ravishing.”

  She rolled her eyes. Maybe he couldn’t see it behind her designer sunglasses, or maybe he could, she didn’t care. Of course she looked ravishing. She was Catalina. Could there ever be any doubt?

  “Um, yeah, whatever.” Catalina was confused. “Where’s Amy? I thought she and I were going out shopping for shoes?”

  “Oh, she’s up here,” said David. “Just follow me.”

  Before going into the apartment proper, they had to go up a narrow stairway. She followed him up the stairs. His back was layered with thick muscles, like he had been spending the past couple of weeks lifting and constantly staying in motion.

  At the top of the stairs, there was a flash of movement, and she felt something tight and soft slip over her arms, binding them to her torso. She looked down. Was that...rope? She squirmed, thinking it was some joke, but the ropes only got tighter and tighter. She couldn’t move her arms at all.

  “What...what’s this?” Her voice had just an edge of panic.

  “Hey babes,” came Amy’s voice. The delectable blond slid her face forward, resting it on Catalina’s shoulder. “I’m like, so glad you decided to come over.”

  “Wha...what is this?” Catalina straightened up, trying to power out. “If this is a joke, I am not laughing. Seriously. I do not like this.”

  Except...some part of her did. The ropes felt...good. They felt like they were sliding over more than just her skin. Her brain, maybe. Hot little warm thoughts slid over her skin and into her mind.

  “This isn’t a joke at all, babes,” Amy chirped. “We’re going to enslave you!”

  The achingly hot blonde giggled, pushing Catalina into the living room. There was a thick, puffy, comfy looking blue couch and a dense brown rug underneath a tall lamp with three bulbs. Nothing else, not even a television. Like the only entertainment the two needed was blissfully humping every single day away.

  David walked in front of her, going slow, taking his time, examining her. Not a care in the world.

  Amy hmmed a bit. “Or, I guess, Master is going to enslave you, really. Isn’t that great?”

  In front of Catalina, David smiled, reaching forward and stroking the beauty’s chin.

  “Yeah Catalina. Isn’t that great?”

  It...was sort of great. Wasn’t it? enslave her?

  No! She had to resist, whatever it was that was happening.

  “I’ll be right back. I have some more ropes. Amy, warm her up, will you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  As soon as David passed from view, Catalina recognized her one chance. She had to try to get someone to hear her.

  “Help!” Catalina screamed. “Help me please! Someone!”

  Amy giggled, kneeling down next to Catalina and putting her own hands behind her back. For the first time, Catalina got a good look at her old friend. She was dressed in an outlandishly sexy outfit—entirely decorated in bright red lingerie. Red stockings decorated her legs, and a red lace corset wrapped around her beautiful torso, putting her huge, hot round breasts on perfect display. A silver collar adorned her neck, reading “HIS” in bright platinum lettering. The collar had a little metal loop at the front end of it. Her red six-inch heels had silly fluff sprouting out from them.

  “Help! Help!” Amy cried at the top of her lungs.

  Her face took on such a frightened look that for a moment, Catalina thought she had somehow broken David’s control.

  Then the blond bent over laughing, standing back up in her precariously high heels. A deep pit of fear formed in Catalina’s stomach.

  “No one’s coming, babes.” Amy stroked a finger under Catalina’s chin, kissing her bottom lip. “No one can hear you. You may as well let the idea sink in.”

  Catalina was aghast. She had no idea what was happening with Amy, but clearly, she was under the influence of drugs or something. Catalina started breathing hard, her big tits heaving in her tiny dress, but strangely, her panic was beginning to subside. She was getting the distinct feeling that, not only was everything going to be okay, but that it already was okay. She should just...let that idea sink in. Yes...


  “You’re crazy.” Catalina shook her head. “That’s it. You’ve gone totally bonkers.”

  “Mmmhmmm!” Amy nodded happily, kissing Catalina’s chin and neck softly. “Bonkers for my Master. I’m nuts about him. And you will be too, really soon. You’re going to be his just as much as I am.”

  Amy licked her lips and slid her nimble fingers under Catalina’s dress, pressing into her moistened cunt. They slid inside easily.

  “You’ll probably be even more his than I am,” enthused Amy. “With as hot as you are, you’re sure to stay in Master’s harem a long time. You might even be his harem slavequeen forever! Isn’t that super great?”

  “Amy, that’s...that’s so wrong. This wrong!”

  “You’re going to be Master’s REAL girlfriend,” Amy cooed, planting even more wet hot kisses on Catalina’s neck as the dark-haired beauty bucked and swayed in her bindings.

  Catalina’s pussy was just getting wetter and wetter. Amy’s fingers were so, sooo very good and her words were so strangely hot...

  “Wh-what? You’re not making sense. Amy, you told me yesterday on the ph-phone you wanted to m-marry him!”

  Amy’s face looked downcast for a moment, but then she brightened. “Oh, I know that I said that, and I do want that, but I don’t really deserve that, Catalina. You do, though. You’re so pretty. So much prettier than I am. He’s gonna make you his special slavewife bitch. Isn’t that totally hot? He'll
probably get you full of like, triplets at least. He's just desperate to see us pregnant together.”

  David stepped back into the room, totally naked now. As promised, he had another pair of ropes in his hands. Amy got down on hands and knees and crawled toward him, her hips swaying sexily. She slid up his leg, licking his naked thigh.

  “She’s warmed up, Sir. Just for you. So ready to obey like a good girl.”

  Catalina, gasping and sweating, her body flushed, noticed with a certain kind of pride that David barely noticed the blonde beauty’s subservience. After all, Catalina was so much hotter. So much better. She would make him notice when she knelt.

  N-no! Banish those thoughts, girl!

  He kicked Amy off his leg, sending her sliding and giggling across the floor, and she gasped with pleasure, so happy to be ignored and tossed aside by him.

  “So, Catalina. Here we are.”

  She just stared at him with a mixture of horror and hatred and complete arousal. She had never been so repulsed in her entire life...and never so very turned on.

  “I suppose Amy here has already laid out the game for you, huh? You’re going to be my little fuckdoll really soon. How do you feel about that?”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Hey now,” he said, grabbing a chair and sitting down in front of her. His cock was right in front of her, already semi-hard. It was difficult not to stare right at it. “That’s not a feeling, sweetheart.”

  He had all this...confidence now. If he hadn’t been trying to completely ruin her life, she could almost see it as sexy.

  “You know what,” he said. “I’m going to let you have some dignity. That’s swell of me, isn’t it Amyslave?”

  Happy nods from Amy. “Yes, Master. Anything you say, Master.”

  “You hear that? It’s pretty swell of me.” He slapped the ropes in one hand against the palm of the other. “So here’s the deal. You apologize to me, for exactly-you-know-what, and I’ll...make this nice for you. Really nice.”