Gang Heat: The Bundle (Unprotected Force) Read online

Page 3

  No such luck. Dirk had made a whore of her with little more than a gun, a beautiful body, and a huge cock.

  He winked at her, and started off downstairs.

  * * * * *

  “Took you long enough,” Tanner said to Dirk.

  Lilah took up her spot on the balcony again, crawling on her belly toward the edge. The difference now was, of course, that her belly was full of warm cum, making her feel a bit high as she overheard the conversation downstairs.

  Her fingers drifted down to her clit, sliding across that gentle, sensitive button with great attention. Even though she had cum from sucking off Dirk, she was still horny...and hungry for more.

  She could not stop the fantasies that began to form in her mind. They were uncontrollable, just like her own desire to suck and fuck.

  In her mind, she quickly began to envision Dirk coming upstairs again and again, taking his payment from her over and over. He would fuck her mouth and throat until she was barely conscious, until the only thoughts on her mind were his cock and how best to suck it. He would fuck the smart right out of her, leaving her as nothing but an obedient cockwhore.

  He would fuck her mouth again and again, so completely and so totally that she would just become absolutely hypnotized by his cum. There would come a time when he would arrive upstairs, and she would be fingering herself silly, just like she was now. Her legs spread wide, her pants torn off and forgotten, and she would crook a finger at him and beckon his bad boy cock to come and ride her hot young virgin librarian cunt into oblivion.

  Eventually he'd have to leave. She would give him her number and her address. She'd promise to leave the door unlocked so he could come find her any time. And when he was there, she would wait on him hand and foot. She'd cook him meals and suck him off, getting her own meal from his cock. She would dress up solely in lingerie.

  At night, after he'd fucked her a dozen times and made her cum a dozen more, she would whisper in his ear all the naughty thoughts she'd had while he was off doing bad things. She would tell him about all the banks and stores she researched, which ones had the least security, which ones would be easiest to take. Why, she would even help out, be a distraction, where tight flirty outfits so men would stare and want her while her man did awful deeds with his gun...

  He would knock her up, of course. Oh god yes, she'd be so fucking pregnant that she'd barely be able to get around. His big badass dick would pump her full of babies, three or four at a time. She wouldn't have a choice except to get as pregnant as possible to please him. A dangerous man like that needed the most fertile fuckdolls possible to really get off how he wanted.

  Her fantasies easily got away from her. Sliding her thumb across her clit was like turning on a remote to an alternate reality.

  The men gathered down in an area around the front desk. Several had taken seats in the many couches. A few flipped through magazines. Tanner leaned over the desk, looking up at Dirk as he came closer.

  “I wanted to be...y’know, thorough,” said Dirk.

  Hammer approached him. He was a large man—the largest of any of them, with muscles like solid rock. He was built like some gladiator from ancient times, all meat and bone. Hammer took a long sniff of the air around Dirk.

  “He smells like sex,” said Hammer.

  “What?” said Dirk. “You’re crazy.”

  Tanner leaned in and took a sniff. “You jerking off up there?”

  Lilah, even though she knew where this was headed—knew that unless Dirk could convince them otherwise, she would be down there in that hellpit of men and cocks—could not stop sliding her fingers across her needy clit. Pleasure overwhelmed her senses—Dirk's load in her tummy had turned her into a creature of pure lust.

  “No.” Dirk smiled, as if this was some kind of joke. “Of course not. No.”

  “Then you found somebody.”

  “I’m telling you, Tanner—”

  Tanner grabbed Dirk by the shirt, lifting him up off the ground. His feet wagged, struggling to touch earth.

  Though Lilah was incredibly and obviously attracted to Dirk, the reasons she was attracted to him were all the wrong ones—his looks, his physicality, the nature of what he was. A bad man with a gun.

  And Tanner, by lifting Dirk so easily—making Dirk so submissive to his will right away—instantly showed himself as the baddest man with a gun. She let out a little moan of heat, fingers diving deep up into her snatch now.

  “And I’m telling you,” Tanner snarled. “Maybe up until now you’ve just been a little disoriented. Adrenaline pumping still from the job. You’re making rash decisions. Coming to think you’re invincible because we’re each sitting on a shitload of money between us. But if you keep telling me something that’s not true, and I find out about it, you’re in the shit. You understand me?”

  “Of course I do, boss. Of course.”

  “All right.” He let Dirk down and slapped Hammer on the chest. “Go upstairs. Look around.”

  “Wait!” Dirk cried.

  They all looked at him, expectant.

  “There’s a girl, all right? I found a girl there. She offered to blow me if I kept quiet, but it’s not worth my life, okay? She’s up there.”

  Lilah felt a hot orgasm rush through her system as she was revealed—as her entire plan came scrambling down. Her entire being felt dirty, unclean, nasty. She was getting off to being exposed. There wouldn't be a choice now. There wouldn't be any alternative at all.

  She was going to be fucked by a lot, a lot, of men.

  And the second this had rung home for her...she came, twitching on the floor and staring down at all of them from above.

  “A girl?” Hammer’s grin grew wide.

  Instantly, he rushed upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Lilah scrambled, barely able to button up her pants in time to maintain a little dignity. Instinctively, like prey before a predator, she backed up into the bookshelves, hoping to hide.

  Everything in her mind was conflicted. She had just cum thinking about being found out—but now she was found out! Anything that turned her on always felt too real when it was actually happening. She looked desperately for some kind of escape, and all she could think of were the ceilings.

  They were the paneled kind that led into a sort of maintenance area underneath the actual concrete of the ceiling itself. She powered up a bookshelf and pushed up at the tiles. Broken bones be damned, she did not want to end up in Hammer's hands.

  Just as she was about to slip all the way inside, though, he caught her by the foot.

  She looked down to see the barrel of his gun staring back up at her.

  “You hold it right there, or I blow you away.”

  There was no choice. She had no doubt in her mind that he would do as he said. Slowly, she made her way down. When she was halfway there, he tossed her over his thick shoulder. Every part of him was muscle and meat, a stout huge body that seemed made for breaking women like her.

  She wondered if he could feel the heat in her cunt—the heat that was there even though she had just orgasmed minutes before. Certainly, he could smell it. If he smelled Dirk's sex, then no doubt he smelled hers.

  In short order, they were downstairs and he tossed her to the floor in the middle of the gathered men. They were all in the center portion of the library where there was a large reading area. Around them were several couches and recliners, and lots of thick beanbags and pillows for those who wanted to read on the floor. Computers buzzed quietly, waiting to be woken from their electronic sleep. Overhead, the pipes shifted and groaned as the heat powered on and blasted downward.

  Tanner stood above her, clearly in charge. He put a boot on Lilah's substantial chest, pressing his weight down on her. There was nowhere she could go, nothing she could do.

  “You belong to us now, girl,” said Tanner, grinning wickedly. “Whether you like it or not.”

  * * * * *

  It was do-or-die time. Sucking off Dirk had been a major step for Lilah. She n
ever thought she was capable of anything like that in her life. But once she had started sucking him, taking his enormous length into her body, it quickly became the simplest thing in the world.

  She had been, at that time, living her fantasy. Giving up her young, virgin body to Dirk had been simple, almost natural. There was something she could read in his eyes that made her sure he wouldn’t hurt her. That he wouldn’t give her up.

  Of course, he had given her up...but only on threat of violence. These other men were too suspicious and dangerous for anyone to be safe. And that was Lilah’s worry.

  She had seen all of their faces now. How could she convince them to keep her alive? How could she let them know that she was worth more to them alive than dead? What assurances would they have that she wouldn't describe each and every one of them to the police once they left?

  Lilah was not a fool. She had heard of Stockholm Syndrome—the propensity for a kidnapped individual to grow a bond with their kidnapper so that she would start cooperating with them, or even more dramatically, fall in love.

  Perhaps she was susceptible to that. Perhaps her need for some strong male figure in her life was being instantly complexified by being surrounded now by eight very strong, very masculine men, each more dangerous than the last—and Tanner the most dangerous of all.

  So, when she spoke to them, she insisted to herself that this was all about self-preservation.

  But it wasn’t, not really. It was about fulfilling every last dirty fantasy she had ever had in her life. It was about indulging in all the parts of herself that she needed to indulge. It was about giving in to her dirty thoughts, submitting to the concept of her as the ultimate whore, the prime slut, the best trashy fuckdoll that the world had ever seen.

  “You don’t have to hurt me to make me do what you want,” she said, making her voice a coo.

  Tanner's foot was still on top of her body. She slid her hands up his legs, holding him gently. Her touch was warm, passionate, like they were long-time lovers.

  “Is that right?” asked Tanner.

  “That’s right,” she nodded enthusiastically. She felt as though she had been possessed. Her words and actions hardly felt like her own; it was like another woman, a sexier woman, was wearing her skin. Her hands slid further up on his leg. “Just ask Dirk, there. He knows that I’m game for...anything.”

  They looked at Dirk. He shrugged.

  “She sucks a hell of a cock, I’ll give her that.”

  “You didn’t make her do it?” asked Tanner.

  “When I found her, like I told you, I was gonna turn her in to you guys. But she wanted to suck my cock. I didn’t tell her to. She offered.”

  Tanner turned back to Lilah now with renewed interest. “Is that right? You’re into sucking cock?”

  “I’m into anything you boys might like.” She licked her lips, making her voice small and breathy. “’ll have to teach me.”

  “Teach you?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s right. I’m just an innocent little virgin. I don’t know anything at all about having big, bad cocks like yours stuffed in me. I don’t know the first thing about someone driving into my mouth while another bad ass thug powers into my cunt. Or my ass...” she smirked. “Any hole at all, really. I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop you. You’d have total power over me. Complete control.”

  “Complete control...” said Hammer, stepping forward. His bulge was evident.

  Lilah’s earlier disgust with him had faded. She had been judging him from an aesthetic viewpoint, which was erroneous. Really, the way he deserved to be judged was by his masculinity—and here was a man who would take what he wanted by force and hurt anyone who got in his way. If Lilah were his property, he’d teach her a new lesson every day, first with his hands and then with his cock.

  She nodded slowly. “Completely under your thumb,” she purred. “However many of you can handle me at once. But...because I’m new at it, I might be scared.”

  “Scared?” asked Tanner, eyes wide as he looked at Lilah with new desire.

  Each new word she said lured them along, as if she had them all under a spell. Deep down, they were in control, but she was slowly controlling their cocks into the action she wanted.

  Lilah nodded. “That’s right. So you’ll have to have lots of you fucking me at once. Just to make sure.”

  “To make sure of what?”

  “That I don’t go anywhere,” she smiled and giggled. “If I’m stuck between all your cocks, I won’t be able to do anything about it. I’ll have to stay put and obey and keep pleasing your cocks for as long as you need.”

  “You,” said Tanner, taking his foot off her torso finally, “are one twisted little bitch. I like it.”

  Lilah beamed. “Thank you...Sir.”

  “’Sir,’” Tanner echoed. “I like that. I like respect. I tell you what, girl. You’ll get your wish.”

  He began to unbuckle his pants, and Lilah got up to her knees. Her sweater was torn in places and her pants were barely hanging on.

  “But,” said Lilah, holding up a hand, watching him undress with great anticipation. “I want something from you.”

  Turner pulled off his pants entirely. His cock was even bigger than Dirk's and it wasn't even all the way hard yet. She let out a soft little moan at the sight of it. Such a fucking hunk.

  “Girl,” he said, “with as turned on as you’ve got me, you know I’m going to take you whether you like it or not, don’t you?”

  Her pussy couldn’t be any more sopping wet. She was positive there was a puddle beneath her on the floor. She didn’t care.

  “Of course, Sir. But wouldn’t it be better if you took it from me and I was willing, trying to make it good for you?”

  He nodded. “All right. What is it?”

  “When you boys are done with me...leave me here. I won’t tell anyone you were here. I’ll knocked me out before I could see any faces.” She licked her lips. “One of you will have to leave a bruise. Or maybe lots of you. But I promise not to say a word...just as long as you promise to fuck me as hard as you can.”

  It was an offer none of them could refuse. Slowly, they began to encircle her. One man grabbed at her sweater from behind, and another from the front. Their hands ran up and down her limbs and torso, grabbing and pulling, until her young virgin body was totally naked before them. All her clothes were torn off by the gathered men, in a pile among the couches.

  Before her now was Tanner's enormous cock. Lilah moaned with lust and took it into her mouth. For a moment, she struggled just to let it enter—it was so big!—but then his precum spurted over her lips and the shaft, and it slid down with ease. Inside her body, the heavy meat bulged her throat as she swallowed it down, taking in more and more.

  The second cock ever to be inside of her virgin body.

  Someone ripped her panties off from behind. She was shifted upward onto all fours, sucking Tanner down as she did. It was Dirk who lined up behind her first, his huge cock slobbering precum all over her ass cheeks as he circled her pretty pink virgin entrance.

  She felt a hot, burning sensation of lust as his manhood powered into her cunt, ramming straight through any virginal resistance she had. There was a flashing moment of pain, and then all was forgotten about as overwhelming pleasure took a hold of her brain.

  Soon, Dirk and Tanner entered into an easy rhythm of fuck. Dirk powered into her from behind, driving her mouth farther up Tanner's cock, and then Tanner powered back, driving her fresh cunt harder onto Dirk's cock. She squeezed at both ends, swallowing deep to let the flesh of her esophagus hug into Tanner's cock down her throat. And at her pussy, she clenched as hard as she could, so desperate to give Dirk a good ride.

  The two wild men entered into a sort of competition with one another to see who could fuck her the hardest and longest. At first, neither seemed to have any weaknesses—both holding up with ease. They matched one another thrust for thrust, both men seemingly tireless
. Around them, the other men cheered. Many stroked their cocks, thick and huge, in eager anticipation. Hammer especially seemed ready to fuck the willing young ex-virgin as ruthlessly as possible.

  After several minutes of competition, Tanner surprised Lilah by being the first to show weakness. His balls tightened as they slapped against her chin, heavy doses of warm cum beginning to shoot down her throat.

  “Good girl,” he groaned, pistoning hard down her throat. “What a good fucking slut.”

  Lilah felt her entire body warm with the praise.

  Almost immediately after Tanner exited Lilah, Hammer stepped in behind him and began thrusting in her throat. His body, so huge and hairy, was nothing like the smooth hard surfaces of Tanner and Dirk. They were sleek sports cars, but Hammer was like an eighteen-wheeler truck. He took a firm grip of Lilah's hair, tugging it as hard as he could as he shoved his thick cock down her already well-lubricated throat.

  The increased force created more force on Dirk's cock as she squeezed with her whole body in a fight-or-flight response. She could feel him losing control and then unloading in her tight pussy—the first man ever to empty inside her.

  Maybe I'm pregnant.

  The thought struck her hard and wouldn't let go. She desperately hoped it was true, despite everything. She knew she had no protection, and she knew too that these men were the most virile of all possible alpha bad asses...and she knew that no one with a body as hot as hers was anything but completely fertile.

  It seemed like Dirk had won the battle of wills between himself and Tanner—but Tanner was still hard. Dirk, cumming twice now in such quick succession and with such a hot cumslut to guide him on his way, needed a little time to recharge. Tanner was as ready to go as ever. And so, as Dirk retreated from her cunt with his heavy cock softening, Tanner pushed him off and jammed his cock hard into her ass.

  Oh god! God! It's so big!